- Jacksonville, FL
Hi, I'm Dalton Carter. Welcome to my profile!
Dalton Carter's Bio:
Hello, my name is Dalton Carter. I am 20 years old. I am a Junior at the University of North Florida studying Public Relations with a minor in Psychology. I have a strong passion for writing, especially in facets where opinions are desired and respected. In addition, I love music. I love writing, performing and listening to it. Truth be told, I would love nothing more than to be able to combine my passions for professional writing and music into one cohesive career. When I am not being studious, I am usually working on my musical side project where I sing and create instrumentals for my band The Social Blue. This has afforded me several opportunities to showcase my music in various live settings in the Jacksonville area. Currently, I am a member of the UNF chapter of PRSSA, the Public Relations Student Society of America. I am always eager to earn more professional affiliations. At the moment, I am not working. Concerning work, my aunt Misty Bennett earned a bachelor's degree in Accounting from UNF in 2008. She is currently a Senior Accountant with Web.com, a firm devoted to building websites for small businesses. The next step in my in career would be to obtain an internship. I would very much like to intern at a firm such as Web.com or another local firm. As previously mentioned, I am seeking an internship. At the moment, my top three aspirations include The Dalton Agency, Web.com and Sheppard. After obtaining an internship with one of these firms, I hope to earn a payroll position. I hope to be an excellent representative of my respective firm. Concerning other aspirations, I hope to one day head my own music review column or website.
Dalton Carter's Experience:
Floor Support Associate at Regency Square Library
May 2011 - September 2011 | Jacksonvile, FloridaVolunteer job used to earn credit hours for Bright Futures FMS; Earned position Answered customer’s questions regarding store policies, software, products, etc. Maintained knowledge of current promotions, policies regarding payment and exchanges, and security practices Explained how to operate company software to customers Kept organized inventory of products Appropriated outgoing orders to other Jacksonville branches Worked 15 - 25 hours per week
Dalton Carter's Education:
University of North Florida
2012 – 2016Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)Concentration: Public Relations -
Robert E. Lee High School
2008 – 2012High School DiplomaConcentration: Engineering
Dalton Carter's Interests & Activities:
Writing Music Audio Reviews Podcasts Studio Recording Psychology Billiards Skateboarding